Neurologic Exam-Pediatric | 18-month-old | Normal | Motor/Gait - Walking

18-month-old - Normal 14 - Motor/Gait - Walking: The 18 month old has a much more steady and secure gait than the infant that is just learning to walk. He still has a wide-based gait but no wobbling. His arms are held in a low guard position- at the level of his waist. He squats without falling and is able to get up in the middle of the floor without pulling himself up. Notice how he gets up from the supine position. He first rolls to his stomach, then steadies himself with his hands on the floor to get up. As he gets older he'll do a sit up rather than rolling over and he will be able to get up without using his hands. Importantly, there is no evidence for proximal pelvic girdle weakness as he gets up from the ground or walks.