Kaltura API

This action allows for the creation of new backend event types in the system. This action requires access to the Kaltura server Admin Console. If you're looking to register to existing event types, please use the clone action instead.
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
eventNotificationTemplate KalturaEventNotificationTemplate V
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ eventNotificationTemplate: { objectType: "KalturaEventNotificationTemplate", name: "value", systemName: "value", description: "value", type: "value", manualDispatchEnabled: value, automaticDispatchEnabled: value, eventType: "value", eventObjectType: "value", eventConditions: [{ objectType: "KalturaCondition", description: "value", not: value }], contentParameters: [{ objectType: "KalturaEventNotificationParameter", key: "value", description: "value", value: { objectType: "KalturaStringValue", description: "value", value: "value" } }], userParameters: [{ objectType: "KalturaEventNotificationParameter", key: "value", description: "value", value: { objectType: "KalturaStringValue", description: "value", value: "value" } }], eventDelayedCondition: value } }